EK "overwhelmed" at the response since its streaming service in the United States started
Spotify's goal: to user access to the recorded music in the world
Aspen, Colorado (CNN) - Spotify Founder Daniel EK on Thursday, said he has been "overwhelmed" by the response to the U.S. debut of its music streaming service and hopes within a year attract 50 million users of stateside.
Spotify was a hit in Europe for several years but only started July 14 in the United States. Listener still an invitation for the free service, a restriction that says EK is required to control growth.
"We" really by the response that we, when we were called overwhelmed in life, said EK in an onstage interview at the Fortune brainstorm Tech Conference here. If Spotify had rolled out slowly in the United States does not, he said "our service under pressure, would have crumbled".
Spotify users can access songs on demand and save playlists on mobile devices, is gradually loads to more listeners as it grows EK, that said that.
Spotify's computer program can choose people you from one of the 15 million songs kostenlos-- up to 10 hours worth of music per month-track with any audible up to five times. Users who want to hear more songs to buy individually or numbers one monthly fee. Subscribers can store their music on their devices and listen when they are offline.
"What say has Spotify is possession (music) is great, but the access is the future", said EK. "The main reason people want for Spotify really portability is to pay." People say, "I would like to have my music with me." "
Spotify help people locate and start a song almost as soon as it is to imagine it. EK believes also that Spotify's social functions, can to share songs and playlists users through integration with Facebook and Twitter, are key to his Ministry to appeal.
"People are in General comfortable sharing their music," he said. "There are two exceptions, though — Lady Gaga and Britney Spears."
Spotify has 1.6 million paying subscribers, he said. The company has 380 employees and recently opened a New York Office.
In growing Spotify, EK has what would be an ambitious goal: he wants to give people instant access to all recorded music to the world-from Western countries not only popular melodies.
"Our goal is the world of music-African music, the South American music, Asian music have", he said. Asked what percentage of the world recorded music to Spotify, the database is, estimated EK, probably closer to 80% 20 %"".
European Commission, 28, Spotify in his native Sweden founded in 2006 and launched to the public two years later. The service gradually grew in popularity and has now more than 10 million users in seven European countries.
But negotiations on music-streaming rights in the United States pulled delay Spotifys introduction to America for years.
In London-based company is an increasingly crowded market reach. His model differs from the Internet "radio stations" how to order specific songs Pandora, the user may not, and from Apple's iTunes online store, the users for individual songs or albums forces numbers.
Amazon runs a cloud-based music-streaming service, and Apple will start a similar service this fall.
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